“For the Health of It” Wellness and Fitness Fair at the Bend Senior Center

Pacific Northwest Audiology was a proud sponsor of the “For the Health of It” Wellness and Fitness Fair in the Bend Senior Center, on Thursday, September 20.


Numerous people stopped at our booth for free consultations on hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears), hearing aid cleaning and trouble shooting, or volume testing/adjustments of their iPods and MP3 players for threatening decibel levels. Others had a chance to see their eardrum helicopter game sale through the eyes of a video Otoscope! Of course, the dark chocolate Ears were a big hit! A Newsletter describing the event can be found here: For the Health of It Flier 2012 final

Dr. Li-Korotky also presented a Seminar entitled “Age-Related Hearing Loss: Facts, Impacts, and Solutions”, followed by a lively discussion Aufblasbare Kugel. A PDF of the seminar can be found here: ARHL Presentation