Dr. Li-Korotky Volunteers For a Noble Cause in Bend, Oregon

Dr. Li-Korotky has volunteered her professional services to the Volunteers in Medicine Clinic of the Cascades (VIM).


VIM provides free healthcare to working adults in Deschutes County with no medical insurance or means to pay for care. Dr. Li-Korotky will join 450 in-clinic volunteers and 350 local medical partners in a community effort to collaborate and provide patients with necessary primary and specialty medical care, prescription medications, mental health care, and/or basic dental care.

VIM’s patients represent a broad segment of our community… they include construction workers, waiters, hospitality workers, bank tellers, real estate brokers, ranchers, self-employed entrepreneurs, home health care workers, retail clerks, part-time employees and students, just to name a few.

The patients come from diversified backgrounds and ages, but they all have one thing in common…they all fall into the healthcare gap. They make too much money to qualify for federal assistance programs such as Medicare or the Oregon Health Plan, but not enough to afford their own medical care.

The majority of VIM’s patients have one or more chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and mental health diagnoses that can be managed with medical oversight and access to care.

The Doctor will add more information about her experiences with this valuable program as time passes. For a more comprehensive look at the program please visit http://www.vim-cascades.org/.